Taco Tuesday Remix

Wholesome Yum Taco Salad
This week I want to give you a spin on the Taco Tuesday phenomenon.

I want to focus on the taco salad. Taco salad has everything that you need excluding the carbohydrate taco shell.

In my opinion I think the salad is a savior regarding food. It's also similar to soups as well a good soup with all the best ingredients that's for a healthy lifestyle which is always in season.

So I want to ask everyone to please consider variations of the Taco Tuesday. Try salads, soups, anything that will help you remove some of the carbohydrates in your diet. I'm not saying when we've carbohydrates in your diet I'm saying try different recipes to limit the carbs in your diet.

So today's recipe for Taco Tuesday is the taco salad. Taco salad comes to us from Maya Krampf of wholesome yum.

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